850 King St W #20
Oshawa, ON L1J 8N5

Social Role Valorization Including 10 Related Themes: A High-Order Concept for Addressing the Plight of Societally Devalued People and for Structuring Human Services
Description of the workshop:
This workshop provides an introduction to Social Role Valorization (SRV) using the 10 core themes, developed by Dr. W. Wolfensberger, considered one of the most influential thinkers in the world, in the field of intellectual impairment. Dr. Wolfensberger’s work helped lay the foundation for many current human service trends, including integration, safeguarding of rights, and the deinstitutionalization movement.
SRV is a systematic and universally applicable concept for structuring human services strongly anchored in the empiricism of psychology, sociology, and long and broad human experience. SRV suggests a close relationship between the socially perceived value of the roles that people hold, and whether people in those roles will be accorded opportunities and other good things of life. Bad things tend to get done to people who are seen in devalued roles, and good things tend to be afforded to people in positively valued roles.
Topics to be explored will include the universality of social devaluation, the defining power of roles in people’s lives, strategies for pursuing socially valued roles, or at least less devalued roles for devalued people with an aim toward improving their life conditions, enhancing people’s social images, and enhancing people’s competencies.
For online information about SRV, go to srv-sotg.ca OR socialrolevalorization.com OR srvip.org
Who the workshop is intended for:
This is a LEADERSHIP-oriented workshop and is therefore taught at a college-level, with long hours and hard work. The information presented is quite complex, requiring a systematic exposition of multiple ideas. It should be noted that while past SRV participants report that these are among the most demanding workshops they have attended, they rarely express dissatisfaction and, in fact, appreciate the workshop’s rigour and high level of engagement. People who attend should be prepared for an intellectual challenge. Anyone who is interested in the lives of people who are disenfranchised from society because of intellectual impairment, mental disorder, poverty, homelessness, autism, age (elders), physical impairment or learning impairment (children and adults) will find it relevant, whether they are service recipients, family members (including parents, siblings, and adult children), advocates, ordinary citizens, and paid or unpaid human service workers, planners and managers.
Format of the workshop:
The workshop is taught in lecture format, with extensive use of slides. Time is built into the schedule for audience discussion and questions. The schedule will be 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. each day.
$535.00, which includes handouts, lunch and refreshments each day. There will be a reduction of 10% if 3 or more people from the same group/organization register together.
75% of fees will be returned up to 7 days prior to the workshop. There will be no refund if less than 7 days notification.
Beverages and snacks will be provided at breaks. A light lunch will be provided at the lunch break.
Please note the snacks and lunches will include some vegetarian options. If you have additional dietary needs please bring food that is safe for you to eat.